Saturday, December 25, 2010

A very Merry Christmas to all!

Inspired by nature, created with love, shared with affection.

"The birds of the air are my brothers,
All flowers are my sisters,
The trees are my friends.

All living creatures,
Mountains and streams,
I take unto my care.

for this green earth is our mother,
Hidden in the sky is the spirit above.

I share one Life with all who are here;
To everyone I give my love,
To everyone I give my love."

Joseph Cornell, nature educator

Clicking on the caption title will take you to my Flickr photostream, which has identifying notes on the plant species in the wreath.


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you as well! This is gorgeous, Elizabeth! Wow! Love it!

  2. This is soooo lovely, Elizabeth! A very Merry Christmas to you!

  3. And a very Merry Christmas to you, Elizabeth! Such beautiful work and so lovely for the holiday!!

  4. Gorgeous wreath! Hope you and yours had a very merry Christmas!

  5. A belated Merry Christmas to you! Is that the same Joseph Cornell who does the art boxes? I have a book about him on my growing stack of things to read and must check that out.
    Looking forward to another year of your lovey posts!

  6. Thank you, Sue, Pam, Laure, Lisa, Kate, and Kathy! I wish you all a wonderful New Year as well!

    Hi Jeanette – they share the same name but are quite different people. I admire them both – I did my senior art project patterned on the older Cornell’s art boxes (of course with a nature theme!), and have two of the younger Cornell’s books on nature education. I wonder if they might be related?

  7. Elizabeth, I love this wreath. It makes me happy when I look at it. I guess it's the combination of berries, leaves and acorns...and the quiet feel that comes from it. It's probably my favorite wreath I saw all season because it's not crammed with lots of greenery...just the right amount (I'm doing a bit of catching up now!!).

  8. I'm so happy my wreath has made YOU happy! :D

    I wanted something with things from Florida that looked natural (as a wreath can be). This is the first wreath I've ever painted, too, so I'm especially glad it turned out.

    I have been a bit absent online as well, showing up just long enough to post a blog entry...I hope to get caught up myself. :)

  9. Beautiful painting...just found your work on the web, so very pretty!
